"I became an addict of the demon bean," Guano said during a recent interview. "I first tried it in Korea, but was able to kick when I left the service. Then, long nights as a graveyard shift disk jockey brought me back to the 'cup'. Soon I was yelling at the wife and kids--Batty, Cindy, if you're out there," Guano said, voice breaking, "daddy loves you...

"I could say that it was the pressures of brodcasting that turned me into a jittery, paranoid monster, but no. It was coffee. I lost so many jobs, usually by screaming obscenities at listeners who would call me. 'I wanna hear the Monkeys,' --F--- YOU AND YOUR GODDAMN MONKEYS, HIPPIE!... It was the bean talking."

But Guano got his act together and soon reached heights only dreamed of by most broadcasters.